Building Bridges

I am emerging and new things are on the horizon; new wine skins + new wine.

But to get from here to there, I must build a bridge into the unknown.

I would love for you to join me on this journey. It’s always much more fun with homies.

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Thank you for all of your love and support of my creative heart!

BLOG // Free Your Creative Heart


We can’t ignore the desire to create because all of us were built with the desire to create by THE Creator; God. He gave us the desire and every resource we need to create.

Want to free your creative heart? Want to experience Creative Revival?  Read more

Creative Revival // Freeing the creative heart


All of us were built with the desire to create by THE creator; God. He gave us the desire and every resource we need to create. You can’t hide it! Whether you want to cook, dance, write, design, solve problems, farm, or build a family, one fact remains: We can’t ignore the desire to create. Read more