A Letter to His Bride

It’s no secret that I have been waiting for my earthly husband for quite some time, but in the waiting and hope deferred, He has proven Himself as a faithful Bridegroom in pursuit of my heart in His eternal answer to my very first prayer:

Father God, align my heart’s desires to Yours. Remove all toxicities out of my life and transform me into the wife you intend me to be.

Since that prayer, I’ve spent the last 12 years in a desert/wilderness season being refined by the heat of His righteousness. At times it has been unbelievably dry, hot and extremely uncomfortable, but the heat of His righteousness has been completely and eternally necessary in the purification in BEcoming The Bride of Christ; His church.

Conformity to the revealed will of God in ALL areas of life

Many of you have been in a desert/wilderness for quite some time. Even longer than me and it is getting hotter because The Lord is circumstantially using COVID to expose unhealed wounds and a wealth of pride and deep corruption within ourselves, the church and the world.

He is exposing impurities.

He is exposing pride.

He is exposing the tactics of the enemy in pursuit of His Bride; the church.


The imposter groom precedes our One True Bridegroom.

The imposter groom is the antichrist; Satan. 

The Modern Gospel/The American Dream have been the marketing tool and billboard to draw His Bride into signing a marriage contract/covenant with the Antichrist with promises of prosperity under a false gospel and leadership with prideful hearts aligned to the will of the flesh. 

Many have come under contract and married the imposter groom.

Some were deceived and are unknowingly under contract.

Divorcing is necessary.

Detox is necessary.

Choosing the path of righteousness is necessary.

In the pursuit of righteousness, aligning our hearts desires to His, He graciously extends invitations to spit out pride, burn down idols and repent from sin to go from glory to glory and live a sanctified and consecrated life using a faith of more worth than gold; an OUR type of faith.

Combined faith with Holy Spirit
(to be Spirit led // Spirit over flesh)

The Lord wants to come back for His Bride, but He isn’t coming back until we are ready; purified, sanctified, consecrated and righteous.

My dear brothers and sisters, I beg of you to choose the heat of His righteousness. Allow Him to burn down your pride, idols and sin by the heat of His righteousness and exchange your ashes for His beauty. Conform to His revealed will in ALL areas of your life and experience His Kingdom of sweet adventures.

Ephesians 3:20-12
Isaiah 61:3
James 1:1-8
Isaiah 48:17-18
2 Timothy 2:22

Song: One Thirst, Bethel
Voice over: megangordon.studio
Art: megangordon.studio


Song: One Thirst, Bethel
Voice over: megangordon.studio


Art: megangordon.studio
Rendering template: mockupguy2

Title: Dreaming in the Waiting
Collection: Beauty for Ashes
Series: Dream



His “Dearest Bride.”

As a body, we have been FLIPPED, like a pancake, to expose corruption.

To expose the partnership of the Jezebel and Ahab spirits at work within His Bride. 

We have all been under the heat of His righteousness. 

Been gifted with many invitations to conform to His revealed will in all areas of our lives. 

We have flipped to the raw side. The side we haven’t dealt with because the Ahab spirit has snuck in and Jezebel has come to steal and control with the intention to possess; to posses our harvest. To posses our first fruits.

The Bride has been double deceived, but the veil is being torn.

We have been forced to see things we could have never imagined EVER seeing in our lives. The level of devastation is beyond heavy. 

All you see is darkness. 

You for darkness.

You LOOK and SEE. 


Burning pile of ashes. 

Cold piles of ashes. 

Ashes surround you.

My sweet Bride, “Look for my light. Not the darkness. Exchange your ashes for my beauty.”

MY kingdom come, MY will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

I want to bring Heaven here. NOW. 

Not later. NOW.

But in order to move the resources of Heaven OUR faith must be refined by heat in one of two ways: 

By the heat of My righteousness or by the fire of My judgement.

This is my WAKE UP call for My Bride. 

I’m preparing you for Heaven in the here and now. Yes, I’m coming, but I’m not going to come until you are ready for Me.

I want to burn down the rest of your idols and give you beauty of which is more than you could ever think or imagine ACCORDING to the power at work within you. All while cultivating joy with me in My Kingdom of sweet adventures.


Beloved Bride of mine, repent. Allow me to burn down those idols with the heat of my righteousness and not the fire of my judgement. Repent of the idols in your life. Conform to my revealed will in ALL areas of your life. Give your ALL to me. You are my Bride and I am your husband.  

I AM faithful. I AM God. My will be done on earth as it IS in Heaven. 


Your Husband

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